Public Engagement Meeting

Agenda item 3

16 December 2021


Written questions from members of the public.


A period of not more than fifteen minutes shall be allowed for questions submitted by a member of the public who either lives or works in the area of the authority at each ordinary meeting of the Council.


Every question shall be put and answered without discussion, but the person to whom a question has been put may decline to answer.  The person who asked the question may ask one relevant supplementary question, which shall be put and answered without discussion.


The following written question has been received from members of the public.


1.         Question from: Les Gunbie


How will political groups maintain sufficient cross-party unity over several administrations to deliver on the Carbon Neutral 2030 target?   


Councillor Mac Cafferty, Leader of the Council will reply.


2.         Question from: Michael Bennett-Law


The bin collections in Saltdean have been appalling for years, with the same roads being missed week after week.

COVID and the recent strikes aside,

Why can’t Brighton & Hove Council get a grip on its bin collections?


Councillor Davis / Heley, Co-Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee will reply.


3.         Question from: Daniel Harris


The City’s Housing Allocations Policy is a very confusing. I have three active clients who are claiming the council is misusing the policy as a means to force them into homes, even if they were miss-bids and are unsuitable. Officers are spending a lot of time on lengthy administrative tasks destabilising and creating anxiety and stress toward applicants who advise they should be able to do one rejection without the threat being suspended from the service and being found intentionally homeless. Creating even more work. In 2016 Councillor Mears put in an amendment to give a safeguard to the policy, calling the proposed one bid rule “draconian” This effectively gives applicants a safeguard and choice.

Can the council please confirm whether those in Band C and actively bidding are exempt from the direct bidding three month rule?


Councillor Gibson / Hugh-Jones, Co-Chair of the Housing Committee will reply.


4.         Question from: Gareth Hall


Toads Hole Valley consultation 

The developer’s consultation with the public is appalling.

Their website may as well not exist.

At the two consultation meetings that they have held they won’t take questions at the meetings, instructing participants to email them for an answer which invariably doesn’t come.

This isn’t consultation.

What are the council going to do to persuade the developers to consult properly with the public as outlined in the Brighton and Hove statement of Community involvement? 


Councillor Osborne / Powell, Co-Chair of the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee will reply.


5.         Question from: Polly Wrenn


Successful measures have been put in place in Hove Park Villas and Wilbury Villas  to prevent the constant flow of traffic. Can one entrance to the lower part of The Droveway be blocked or a section of it made one-way to reduce traffic flow. It is currently used as an alternative to Old Shoreham Road for many motorists and is a rat-run.

These measures would improve noise and air pollution as part of the projects for a 'Liveable Neighbourhood' and a 'Low Traffic Neighbourhood' and decrease the regularity of collisions at the junction of Shirley Drive and The Droveway.


Councillor Davis / Heley, Co-Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee will reply.


6.         Question from: Imogen Casebourne


What is the current and projected housing need in Brighton- that is number of homes needed for single people, families etc.


Councillor Gibson / Hugh-Jones, Co-Chair of the Housing Committee will reply.